Thanks, slngshot! Yeah, I'm working on a blog post about how I would love it if the Paper dev would give their take on a tot styled app. πŸ€“ I have some concrete ideas.

Thanks for the tip on Safari! I use the native way of having comments – so ping @help. (Have you heard of others having issues with Safari?)

@numericcitizen Yeah, I used Raycast before I went to Tot – back on Raycast Notes 1.0. (It only had one note.) I considered going back when 2.0 got released, but then I already had Tot, heh. 2.0 does have more features than Tot, but not features that I need for this, I think. (I don’t need more than 7 notes, and I like iCloud sync and the colours.) But it looks like they did a great job with 2.0! I edited the blog post to mention it. πŸ‘πŸ»

BTW, have you tried Antinote?