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Micro posts

Click here to see my replies to other people.

  • As a European, from a country that literally borders Russia, the US feels like less of a friend than someone like China.

    If you’re an American reading this, think about your own views on China, and their companies… And perhaps this makes it easier to understand why I’m so bothered about American companies insisting on owning and controlling every part of my life.

    (Not that I like the CCP… People are usually fine, though! 🫶🏻 Also, I wouldn’t mind arguments for why I’m wrong. 🙏🏻)

  • Who needs a striker?? 🙌🏻 Merino does it, for Handsome FC.

  • I’ve said it before, and I’m saying it again: On offsides, VAR should get about five seconds. If it’s not clear after that, let it go.

  • Birthday boy, Vincent. 🫶🏻🐶🎂

    Red fawn coloured eurasier, sitting in a couch. He has a brown bowtie.

  • *⃣Someone writes a polite comment, with decent grammar and punctuation.

    People: “wtf is this an AI response??1?”

  • Hmm, is having some CSS problems… Will try to work around it, but for now my blog looks kind of weird.

  • The last couple of days on MB has kind of sucked… But I think something good can come out of it! I at least know that I’ve become more conscious about the fact that I should contribute more.

    I tried to write something constructive, and more general, about this yesterday. (Feedback appreciated!)

  • Doesn’t TikTok have over a billion users? How devastating is it to lose the 170 million American ones? (Absolutely bad for them, though!)

  • In NotePlan, you can write >today after a task, to trigger the “Today (repeat until completed)” feature. (The task will keep showing up in the current day’s daily note.)

    That’s nice and all, but I need a “Tomorrow (repeat forever)” feature!

  • The yearly shoe-care day is here!

    (One pair each, for me and my wife, is at the shop, though.)

    Brown dress shoes, brown boots, black dress shoes, brown boots, brown mocs, and black boots. None of them have laces.

    The following shoe products: Saphir Renovateur, Saphir shoe cream, Saphir Sport Loisir Outdoor, Saphir Everest and Otter Wax Boot wax.

  • Hi, @help! These have been really slow lately. 👇🏻 Ideas for why? (It’s annoying when I try to edit css and js, and want to test, heh.)

  • Something is off about the performance on my blog… Especially on Chromium! While part of me would enjoy saying “Works best on Firefox”, I still have to do something about it.

    Well, I have been looking for an excuse to rewrite and optimise my CSS! I’ll start tomorrow. 💪🏻 (Wouldn’t mind advice!)

  • Seriously considering getting the new Mac Mini! I’m planning on using it for NAS purposes (media server, backups, etc. External drives.), maybe some smart home stuff, etc. I’ll probably connect it with an HDMI to my TV as well, for some light big-screen gaming.

    Does The Internet agree that the base model is enough? Maybe upgrade the Ethernet port?

  • Feeling like a rebel; using Discord in light mode.

    (Only when my devices are in light mode, though. I’m not that mad.)

  • What «… tested»?? 🥴 I think they’re making up words again.

    Ophthalmologically tested

  • I like the new window tiling options in Sequioa (as the animations are nice). But they don’t cover everything, and the default hotkeys are terrible. Luckily, these can be changed, and I’ve made (and then updated) a guide for how to change them, and how to use them in conjunction with different apps.

  • Greatly enjoying re-watching Naruto! (Even though I won’t claim it’s technically good.)

    Top 3 ninja:

    3 Rock Lee

    2 Might Guy

    1 Shikamaru Nara

  • Inspired by the thorough OS reviews on, I’ve written my first proper app review – of my favourite Markdown editor Paper.

    I’m very interested in feedback on this detailed format! And also in what people look for in a good Markdown editor.

  • The idea of MKBHD’s new app, Panels, is OK – but I have several problems with it. And the biggest is the slap-in-the-face split with artists! I wrote more here.

  • From my latest post:

    Security minded people have little troubles distinguishing between all matters of nuance in terms of security – and I agree that we should simplify while communicating these things.

    But I don’t think a binary understanding, where things are either “secure” or “insecure”, is the right level – as we’ll get lots of over and under estimations.

    Either we end up lumping Telegram/iMessage in with Signal, or with SMS – and both are wrong.

    I think we can manage three (broad) categories – that there’s room for something between “No security” and “The best security”."

  • If this isn’t one of the clearest examples of the problems with too much bundling and integration, I don’t know what is.

    So, Apple (the phone maker) is artificially nerfing the competition of Apple (the music streaming service), unless they agree to build stronger integration with Apple (the smart speaker maker).

    It became a blog post!

  • I’m conflicted by this

    Sure, tons of shady stuff goes on on Telegram – but the same is true for Signal (it’s just a less popular app), and any other “more secure than the norm” platform.

    Is this arrest along the same lines as politicians wanting to ban E2EE, or is it a proper consequence of laissez-faire moderation?

    Is it even possible to make a platform suitable for freedom fighters without also making it valuable for criminals?

  • Couch potato 🥔🐶🫶🏻

    My Eurasian Vincent, chilling on the couch.

  • My most treasured possession in the world:

    (What’s yours?)

    Fender P-bass from 1961, with a burgundy leather strap from Souldier. The bass is a very dark purple with a tortoise pick guard. Someone has made notches in some places.

    The headstock, also with a bunch of notches. The clay inlays has small holes with lime green paint, for some reason!

  • Hi @jarrod! I suddenly remembered that I forgot to send you a snippet to add to my One-a-month Club entry. Maybe this could work? 👇🏻

    Writing about whatever comes to mind, with an affection for Good Stuff - be it design, software, clothes or music (equipment). Mostly positive, always nerdy.

  • I got a package from Bethel today. 🤩

    Two boxes for Analogman Pedals.

    A Sun Face 2SB and a stereo Mini Chorus.

  • Hi, @help ! I keep getting this 👇🏻 when I upload or update posts. This time I updated right from the “Posts” here on the website. Any advice?

    It fixes itself when I rebuild the entire site. (My changes goes through.) But I don’t love having to do that with every change, heh.

    "Publish: Already queued, scheduling +30 seconds"

  • Any advice, from @help or someone else, on how to get Mastodon verification to work? I’ve currently placed my link in the head (and had it there for months), but nothing happens over at Mastodon.

    My head HTML, showing the link.

  • Pinging the App Addict himself, as you might like this post, @amerpie? =)

  • Hi, @help! I tried to clean up some blog posts, but some of them are stuck… When changing dates didn’t work, I tried to delete and republish. But the deleted posts are still live on my site, even though they’re not in the “Posts” list… Is there a place I can view the database or something?

    So, the problem is that some posts are not in the “Posts” list, but they are live on my website. =/

  • I don’t have much hope in West Ham today… But the season has still been great! COYG! ⚽

    Selfie with me in an Arsenal jersey. It’s the link third-kit from last year

  • Vincent is making sure the garden work gets done properly. 🐶 🌱

    A bunch of garden furniture laying around, a garden hose, etc. In the background, you can see Vincent (a large eurasier) watching, with his front legs crossed.

    Zoomed in on the dog.

  • Jeg håper de snart får ansatt noen, så jeg kan hente pakka mi! ☺

    Fra Posten-disken. Det er en lapp hvor det står at Spar Tåsen søker ny deltidsmedarbeider.

  • I know it’s a silly little thing - but this is literally the most proud I’ve been of something I’ve designed. 🥲 A hover effect for links on my website. It has a blue underline without hover, and on hover the underline becomes a light background with border-radius, that gets a shadow and blurs the surrounding text.

    (Notice the blur over the comma (only works in Firefox, though!), and the way the G pushes space for itself on return.)

  • Working on the blog rewrite today! So if anyone happens to visit, you can pretend I’m doing the «Naked CSS Naked Day" thing a bit late. ☺️

  • Input wanted!

    In principle, I think I should use Firefox… So I’m digging deep to see if I can make it not-bad! 🙊

    So, my question to those of you who use a (desktop) browser:

    • Why do you use the one you use now?
    • What are your favourite (large or small) features? Please be very specific!

    A red panda, also known as a firefox.

  • Me: «Siri, define charisma


    (I’m specifically pointing to the first video. Giving the playlist because they’re all great, and to show that when asked to give his favourites, he starts with himself. 😎 Love it!)

  • People, like John Gruber here, is saying that what the DOJ is doing is making Apple products worse. How? My sister has an iPhone and a Fitbit, and my wife an iPhone and an Watch. If Apple allowed the Fitbit to work better with my sister’s iPhone, how exactly would that make my wife’s Watch worse?

  • I’m sitting here, writing a micro post, working really hard to make it under 300 characters, so that my hyperlink won’t get killed on the timeline. This is not a good user experience, @manton..! 🙃

    (“OK, I guess I could kill this piece of context, and this nuance…” 🤔)

  • OK, I just spent way too long on something unimportant (again):

    I bring to you: smooth linear clamp() scaling, but with increasing something as you decrease the screen width!

    From 1rem to 3rem: clamp(1, -0.5rem + 6.67vw, 3rem)

    «Backwards» (video): calc(clamp(-3rem, -4.5rem + 6.67vw, -1rem) * -1);

  • Now that I’ve gotten my CSS like I want it, I’ve started the total rewrite. 🙃

    Now I know what I want to be variables. And there’s too many ideas in the design, as I through every idea out there while making each element. But now I know which ideas I like the most, and will keep.

    The thing I like about being a noob, is that it’s fun to see quick progress. Stuff I wrote two weeks ago seem stupid now. 😁

  • Vincent 🐶 find snow delightful. Rain? Not so much…

    He generally loves running out in the yard, and especially if I join him. But this is him after I asked him to come out. 👇🏻

  • Hey, @manton! You so often have to help us with technical problems - so I wanted to help you back, with a solution to a problem with the website!

    (With a guest apperance of @pratik’s great photo.)

  • You know that trick companies do now, where they write helpful (or «helpful») articles that people search for, and then you end up on a car company’s website when searching for how to change a tire?

    Well, that kinda backfired for SigmaOS today, as I was trying to figure out how to install a custom search engine on it…

    I’ve searched for «sigmaos custom search engine», but I only got guides they have written to install it in other browsers.

  • I liked this blog post, by The Jolly Teapot! 👇🏻

    On Quality Software

    «A happy snob» is very much how I’d categorise my own taste in software. 👌🏻

  • I’ve been thinking way too much about music streaming the past month - so now I’ve gathered my thoughts in a blog post!

    I have an idea and dream, that I’m sadly woefully unequipped to actually build. 🙃

    It’s a cross between podcasts, Mastodon, PeerTube and the MusicKit API!

  • I’m trying out Tidal for a bit, so cancelling my Spotify Premium subscription. Got this pretty obnoxious screen. 👇🏻

    It says: How you listen will change. If you cancel, you’ll change to our free plan. Here’s how your listening will change on that date: (The following numbers are very large, with the text smaller beneath it<br>
15: You’ll hear ads about every 15 minutes.<br>
0: You won’t be able to play any song, any time on mobile.<br>
6: You can skip only 6 times per hour.<br>
0: 0 of your downloaded songs will be available offline.

  • If Apple was a food company:

    Government: «You gotta stop using plastic wrapping around one-time utensils.»

    Apple: ∗wraps it in barbed wire instead∗

    Apple: «See what the government made us do!» 👆🏻

  • Via Kottke:

    Studies have shown that people who ride e-bikes get more exercise than those who ride pedal bikes. «Researchers have discovered that when riders find it less grueling, they tend to go on longer rides.»

    I totally believe this! I want an e-bike 🚲 in my future. 🙂

  • I’m trying to get comfortable with home row mods… ⌨️
    It’s a constant struggle between minimising lag/unintended modifiers and how hard it is to actually use the modifiers when I want.

    Anyone out there with experience on this?

    Doing it with QMK worked well, but I hated the lag. And doing it with software is preferable, as I then can have the same on the internal Mac keyboard. Using simlayers in Karabiner-Elements atm.

    #MechanicalKeyboards #Allheimen

  • Så heldig å få låne et slik av den bestete Glenn.

  • Lovely package in the mail today: I brought three of their garments back to Northern Playground, as they had gotten some holes. Today I got them back, after getting a free repair - including two caramels. 👌🏻

    Green package with a note that says what I say in the caption. There’s also two caramels.

    «Thanks for rapairing. Together, let’s stop making piles of garbage. Come back when the garment is worn out, and we’ll recycle it.»

    Black wool longs with two neat repairs in the croch.

    They also repaired two T-shirts!

  • Jeg tror dette er den beste sjokolademelka jeg har smakt! 👌🏻

    (Jeg liker også den som bare heter Lettmelk Sjokolade - men nå tenker jeg på sånn «skikkelig» sjokolademelk, som er søt og greier.)


    Røros «Økologisk fersk sjokomjølk»

  • I have a Fedi username - so I can find this posts on Mastodon. But still I can’t share this post from Ivory and hit “Open in Mona”. Can something be done to links to tell Mastodon (et al): “Trust me, bro - you can open this link.”?

    (Would love to combine this with your Conversations plugin, @sod!)

    This post on Mastodon.

  • Good stuff collected by, about #Apple’s decision to kill PWAs.

  • Ah, yes - like God intended:

    My external trackpad and its wrist rest is tilted to the side (ergonomically).

    Second angle.

    (Related to yesterday’s blog post. )

    Under the trackpad. I’ve just smooshed two tall rubber feets on it with som tack-it.

  • I don’t really use read-it-later apps. But if you do, check out Omnivore! I agree with this review.

    Open-source, great text-to-speech, iOS, Android, Mac and Web.

    IPhone and Mac screenshots of Omnivore

  • Great day! Spent literally 11 hours intensely not getting #KMonad to work on my #Mac. 😓

    This is as far as I got. 👇🏻

    (Or, previously I got one step further, and got «Encountered error in KeySource: [Cannot translate from mac keycode: (0,0)]» instead)

    Stuck on driver_connected 0 driver_version_mismatched 0

  • Ooh, that’s a neat little animation in an unexpected place: the Aliexpress app.

  • Oof, the Boardsource Lulu looks pretty sweet! (And the Lily58 doesn’t look too bad either.)

    Does anyone have any experience with either of these? ⌨️

    Lulu. A small split keyboard with 2x4 thumb buttons. Slightly less DIY-y vibe, compared to the Lily. Tilted.

    Lil58. Also a small split keyboard, with the same layout.

    #Allheimen #MechanicalKeyboards

  • Hi @help! I’m having trouble with my fediverse username. Can you help? I’ve set it to, but I can’t find it with my user. Cant find either.

    I also tried to comment on my Masto posts and follow, but no signs on

    I’ve tried reseting. Any other advice?

  • Oof, Nawalli looks so cool. High on the wish list!

    Great review by Space Biff, as always.

    Image from the review of the game. The player is holding three cards with a clear aztec art style.

  • Hi @MitchW! We’ve been writing a bit over at the forum. :) I want to do what you do, and get notifications on Mastodon for my posts here. But I can’t find my MB user from Mastodon! Can you do me a favour, and see if you can find from your Mastodon account? 🙏🏻

  • Today in «Record I’d totally forgot, but that’s really good 🎵»:
    Fountains of Wayne - Welcome Interstate Managers

    (Spotify - Apple Music)

    The album cover. It’s a black and white and grainy photo of a bunch of old, white men in suits around a donut shaped dinner table.


  • When Vincent sleeps, he sleeps. 🐶

    My large eurasier male dog Vincent. He sleeps on the floor up against my sofa.

  • For et utrolig vakkert designet produkt. Ikke nødvendigvis utseende, men måten den virker på! Anbefaler virkelig å lese om den om du har litt interesse for mekanikk. The Verge-artikkelen linker også til en nydelig video som går mer i dybden.


  • På Bjølsen er vi så heldige å ha 6 (treige) ladeplasser hvor kommunen spanderer, så lenge vi ikke står mer enn 16 timer. Men det er egentlig kun 5 plasser, for én er alltid tatt av Kebab Hot. De har to biler de bruker til levering, og på kvelden bytter de om på bilene. 🤷🏻‍♂️