@amerpie Yeah, I adore using a trackpad. Usually, when doing basic browsing and computer stuff, I have my left hand on the trackpad and the right on the keyboard.

I have Window management (as detailed here) and opening of programs on the left hand, and a bunch of guestures on the trackpad:

  • App Exposé and Mission Control with four fingers up/Down (this isn't from BetterTouchTool, but the rest is)
  • Four fingers right = Cmd + T (new tab)
  • Four fingers left = Cmd + W (close tab/window)
  • Three fingers left/right = Switch tabs (the hotkey it fires is adapted to each program, as they differ)
  • Three finger tap = "Middle click" (which usually opens stuff in a new tab. Can also be set as Cmd+Click)
  • Three finger click = Cmd+R (refresh)

Going to a mouse is a big downgrade, also when it comes to easy zoom and horizontal scroll. And I just don't like the Magic Mouse, heh. (I do have a mouse around, though - mostly for games. Hence Linnear Mouse.)