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    What if the Floorp Icon Actually Looked Like Piano Keys?

    Floorp is an interesting Firefox fork, with a questionable name and logo.

    Yesterday, someone on Reddit, posted “Floorp’s logo looks like piano keys”. And here’s the thing: I’ve been thinking the same, but at the same time there was something wrong. I’m not a pianist, but I’ve played with them enough to notice the problem. Let’s rotate the Mac icon, and compare with an actual piano:

    An overview of a piano.

    Image from

    The “double-sized” black key to the right was the culprit! 1 However, notice that there sometimes is two white keys next to each other. (This will be important later.)

    But this made me think: What if the logo looked like a piano?

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    šŸŒ± Why Smart Bulbs > Smart Switches

    I really like my smart light setup ā€” and later I will write a guide on how I set it up. (I promise!) But in this post, I want to explain why I think smart light sources are a better option than smart switches (with regular light sources).

    (Click here to go to the TL;DR!)

    Some notes on costs

    Smart lights ain’t cheap. And while I will argue that I don’t think going for smart switches is that much cheaper than smart light sources ā€” my main focus is on what gives the best smart light experience. And then it’s up to each person to evaluate what feels “worth it”, or even possible, to them and their budgets.

    I also think the experience is way better if you get the consistency of having (more or less) every light in your home be smart ā€” so keep that in mind as well. I’m not arguing against those who say “Yeah, I only wanted these four lights to be smart, and then it was cheaper to go for a couple of smart switches”. What I am arguing against is those who say going for smart switches is better than smart light sources ā€” and hopefully giving some valuable insights to those who haven’t decided yet.

    Why smart lights at all, though?

    Images from Philips.

    To me, there are three main reasons (in no particular order):

    1. In my apartment, I have some light switches that are in idiotically placed. I also have several lights I wish had more than one switch. So the fact that I can easily place switches wherever I want, by just sticking a little button to the wall (or whatever), is very nice. And so is the fact that it’s trivial to have one switch control several lights, or have several switches controlling one light.
    2. I want nothing to only be controllable by my phone. But I do think it’s nice that I can use it to control my lights ā€” even when I’m not home. I also like that I can create automations, like turning off the lights when I leave.
    3. I really, really like to vary the colour temperature of my lights throughout the day.

    The two approaches to smart lights

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    šŸŒ± Some Quick Mastodon Client Reviews

    One of my favourite things about Mastodon, is that, as opposed to most other social networks, the service is completely open for other developers to make their own clients. And this has lead to a remarkable ecosystem of third-party options.

    Now the official ones, are pretty mediocre (especially the web app, IMO) ā€” but I like this prioritisation. They could’ve sacrificed precious dev time to make their own clients great ā€” but this would have to come at the expense of improving the core service. And the only thing we would gain, is “another great way to use Mastodon”.

    “How good are the default apps?” is a far less important question than “How good are the best apps for Mastodon?”. Also, what’s a good app isn’t the same for everyone ā€” so why on earth should there only be one client (like Instagram, Facebook and, now, X)?

    If you’re new (or old) to Mastodon ā€” don’t be afraid to test different clients! They can be used in complete parallel ā€” so you could just download a bunch on your phone, and log into each of them with your username. And then you could just “main” one of them for a couple of days (turning on notifications on that one, for instance), and then move to another one.

    But let’s get to the main point: Some quick reviews of some of my favourite clients!

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    Working on the blog rewrite today! So if anyone happens to visit, you can pretend Iā€™m doing the Ā«Naked CSS Naked Day" thing a bit late. ā˜ŗļø

    Anyone Else Feel Like They Should Use Firefox

    … but Still Struggle With It?

    This post was originally (and still is) a forum post on the MPU forums. I have two concrete question blocks I’d love feedback on, which I will present during the post. I would love to hear from you, either over at MPU, as a comment to this post on, via Mastodon, or email. šŸ™‚

    I’d like to talk about browsers! And people are of course welcome to comment whatever they want ā€” but some notes on what my intentions for this discussion are:

    1. For reasons, I’ll touch on later, this is mostly about desktop browsers.
    2. In terms of privacy and security, I’m approaching this from a reality where 65% of people use Chrome. So in this context, vastly improving the privacy from that, is more interesting than saying someone is a gullible idiot if they don’t use a Tor browser. šŸ˜› So while I’m not saying those things shouldn’t be part of the discussion at all, I’d like to talk more about user experience and features than hardening if you catch my drift. 1

    OK, let’s go!

    Ethics are always difficult to discuss. Because while I think everyone should be mindful of the small things we should do to improve things, people have different priorities and possibilities. And where should we draw the line while consumers in a problematic system? Like, I should probably use a Fairphone over an iPhone even though it’s worse, right? How much worse should I accept? How hard should I pull away from things like Facebook or X?

    Screenshot from the Fairphone website: “Your phone can do better: We make fair(er) phones - To change the industry from the inside. One step at a time, all over the world. Together with our community, we’re changing the way products are made. Here’s how we’re disrupting the tech space. About us button. What it means to be fair:"

    Still, I’m at least trying to try ā€” and as the browser is perhaps the most used app, the choice of it is among the things I’m thinking about.

    And here’s why I feel like I should use Firefox:

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    The Case for Soulver, and an App Between a Calculator and a Spreadsheet

    The iOS counterpart of Soulver 3 just released ā€” and is being discussed a bit over at the (excellent) Mac Power Users forum.

    This post is (mostly) an answer to the following post there:

    Soulver is a fun app to do simple math, but it is no substitute for a spreadsheet. Can it do any of this Numbers - Function list - Apple (AU)?

    Can it graph data?

    So I would buy it again if it was cheaper, but $35 for the Mac app plus another $34 for the iOS apps is definitely not worth it to me. Iā€™ll keep using my free, constantly improving Numbers app.

    Plus it took 5 years to finally recreate the iOS apps? Seriously? Why would I trust this developer after borking a perfectly good iOS app and taking so long to finally add it back to the App Store.

    I think you’re misunderstanding

    ā€¦ what Soulver is trying to be,

    even though you mention “a fun app to do simple math”.

    When discussing solving math problems, different complexity levels make us turn to different tools. I’d say it usually looks something like this:

    • Very simple ā†’ In your head
    • Simple ā†’ A calculator (app)
    • Medium to complex ā†’ A spreadsheet app

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    A Very Good All-Round Game Controller, With One Major Flaw (for Me)

    A quick review of the 8BitDo Ultimate Bluetooth Controller

    The controller in question, in black and in its charging cradle. It’s standing in front of my Nintendo Switch, and next to an Apple TV with an Anbernic RG35XX on top.

    I mostly play boring strategy šŸ–‡ļø games that are just as good to play with a trackpad as anything else.

    But every so often, I’ll play something that’s best played with a controller. That’s usually on my Switch, where I’ve used the joy-cons with a charging grip ā€” but that’s never been great. Also, my joy-cons have started to driftā€¦

    So I wanted to buy a single controller that could fit all my use-cases, and my choice fell on the 8BitDo Ultimate Bluetooth Controller šŸ–‡ļø. And it’s a great controller, with many smart features. But did you know that a controller can support 2.4 GHz, Bluetooth, Switch, PC, Steam Deck, Android, iOS and iPadOS, but not support macOS?? Well, I didn’t.

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    A Way To Get a Fancy Link Hover Effect

    Jarrod, of (the great blog), wanted to do something about the way his links appear on his website. He asked:

    Since the first design of my site, Iā€™ve stuck with blue text for my hyperlinks because that always seemed canonical with the web. Links = blue text, blue underline. But Iā€™ve grown less certain with its readability with all that blue text interspersed. Iā€™m considering a change. What do yā€™all think?

    Two screenshots he added, that shows links with either blue text and underline, or just blue underline.

    One thing he didn’t mention there, is that he also has a nice hover effect, that changes the underline to a gradient (that matches his logo and more) on hover.

    A GIF of the aforementioned hover effect.

    My first idea for how to solve it sacrificed the gradient ā€” but that just wouldn’t do. But I think I found a pretty good solution in the end!

    The solution and how to implement it

    The text is white and underline blue before hover. When I hover, the underline fades away, and the text fades to having the gradient on itself.

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    šŸŒ± Advice for How To Make Sure You Never Create Anything

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    Are you sometimes at risk of creating? Personally I, from time to time, come very close to writing something, so my advice here is geared towards that. However, it can hopefully be extrapolated to help you if youā€™re tempted by other creative endeavours as well.

    • If you get an idea while writing a post, you should always finish this new idea before finishing the original one. This, of course, cascades to new ideas you get while working on the second one, etc.
    • This also applies to expansions within an idea. You can always increase the scope of a project!
    • Let every piece of work be your Magnum Opus.
    • However, if as much as a single piece of your idea doesnā€™t materialise quite like how you wanted it to, scrap the entire thing. No matter how much work youā€™ve put into it, and no matter how much value thereā€™s still left.
    • Donā€™t post anything, unless youā€™ve covered every nuance, use case and possible objection. Donā€™t post ideas or thoughts ā€” post rigorous conclusions.
    • You canā€™t mention a concept/item without also explaining everything about it, in case someone isnā€™t familiar.

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    šŸŒ± A Shortcut for lite-youtube-embed

    YouTube embeds take up way too much on a site - so luckily someone has made lite-youtube-embed.

    ā€œRenders faster than a sneeze.ā€

    Provide videos with a supercharged focus on visual performance. This custom element renders just like the real thing but approximately 224Ɨ faster.

    First you have to include some CSS and JS on your site. 1 And then when you want to embed a video, you could just add this piece to your post/page:

    <lite-youtube videoid="CItvhGl__Mk" playlabel="Play: Beatenberg - Wheelbarrow (Official Music Video)"></lite-youtube>

    This will embed the video, but over 200x faster - nice!

    However, you have to manually add the videoid and the video title.

    And theyā€™ve also made a variant named ā€œPro-usage: load w/ JS deferred (aka progressive enhancement)ā€, which I think is even more optimised. But then you have to add all of this:

    <lite-youtube videoid="CItvhGl__Mk" params="controls=0&rel=0&enablejsapi=1" style="background-image: url('');">
      <a href="" class="lty-playbtn" title="Play Beatenberg - Wheelbarrow (Official Music Video)">
        <span class="lyt-visually-hidden">Play Video: Beatenberg - Wheelbarrow (Official Music Video)</span>
    Thatā€™s a lot of manual work for each video!

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    Why I Donā€™t Love Web Apps

    And a call for help

    I absolutely get why companies make web apps instead of native apps. Why juggle tons of platforms and languages if you donā€™t have to? Furthermore, being on the web makes you free from platform gatekeepers!

    It can also benefit users, by giving the same experience everywhere, making more software cross-platform and accessible on more niche platforms, and more.

    And if a developer has 100 hours to develop a client for their service, the user experience very well might be better if they spent all of it on a web app, instead of spending 25 hours on four different native clients.

    Thereā€™s also a bunch of terrible native (or ā€œnativeā€) apps. One example is phone apps that simply are terrible web wrappers that just want to be able to track and notify you more than they can in a web browser. 1

    A bar chart that compares software quality of &lsquo;Web apps&rsquo; and &lsquo;Native appsā€™. There are bad and great apps of both kinds, but the ceiling of the latter is higher.

    When I say that I prefer native apps, I donā€™t mean that there are no great web apps (like Figma) or bad native apps. My point is that the ceiling of the latter is higher, and that all the best apps Iā€™ve tried are native.

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    Chromium and Nested Backdrop-Filters

    If youā€™re like me, you sometimes get these small (often technical) problems, that you work on for so long ā€” and you refuse to surrender.

    I had this with CSS a couple of months ago:

    I had a menu, that had transparency and blur, and then I also had a submenu that I wanted to have the same. But the submenu just. wouldnā€™t. blur!

    It works perfectly in Gecko and WebKit ā€” but after countless hours, I found the problem: If an element has a backdrop-filter, Chromium wonā€™t let its children have it as well. 1

    I had to design around it, and moved on with my life.

    A few moments laterā€¦

    I recently moved to And one day I was scrolling down my timelineā€¦

    Scrolling the timeline, with a picture of a great sunset making a nice blur below the header.
    Ooh, look at that nice blur!

    Then I opened the submenu:

    When opening the submenu, you can see that the blur effect isn't on it - so that you see way too much of the text beneath.

    There it was ā€” the same bug! Iā€™m not alone!

    The fix

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    āœ‰ļø šŸŒ± To SigmaOSā€™ CEO: This Is What I Donā€™t Like About Arcā€™s Direction

    I really, really like the Arc browser. But as I alluded to in this post, I have some reservations regarding it, and donā€™t feel like itā€™s going in a direction that I like. In the post, I said that I might try SigmaOS again ā€” and I am. 1

    I mentioned this in their community Slack, and their CEO, Mahyad, asked me what about Arcā€™s direction I donā€™t like. I must say, the dev team seems very active, nice, and open to input! So this post is my reply to his question.

    (And hereā€™s a link straight to the TL;DR at the bottom.)

    Hi, Mahyad ā€” and thanks for asking! I wrote a blog post called Ā«I Just Want A Nice Browser!Ā», which might give you a hint, heh.

    And let me also say that Iā€™m a bit worried about your direction as well ā€” but Iā€™ll come back to that. šŸ˜‰

    Two fundamentals I donā€™t love, but that I donā€™t need to go too much into

    1. I donā€™t love that Arc is built on Chromium ā€” as I think Google has more than enough power over the web as it is.
    2. Iā€™m not against supporting any VC funded company ā€” but in combination with an unclear business model, I become more skeptical and worried if our incentives align. 2

    My main issue, though, is regarding AI

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    The Prettiest Voice Since Allison Krauss

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    Iā€™m testing Tidal these days, and wanted to test the audio quality vs. Spotify. I happened to stumble upon a new track by an artist I like during testing, so that was the first track I tested. 1 And holy fĆøck if this isnā€™t one of the most beautiful things Iā€™ve ever heard:

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    I Just Want a Nice Browser!

    Two sad browser stories

    Iā€™ve followed the Spicy Takesā„¢ļø surrounding the Arc Browser recently, that started in the Ruminate podcast and went on to the MacStories Weekly Issue 408.

    And I agree with most of what John Voorhees is saying, and also Matt Birchler, who said: Ā«The Browser Company feels gross to me right nowĀ».

    Much of it is about ethics and AI. In general I agree with them, but this subject wonā€™t be the focus of this post. (Iā€™ve written more about AI here and here.)

    Instead Iā€™ll tell my browser story, and explain why both Arc and Firefox makes me sad.

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    šŸŒ± AI Is Just Different

    The discussion around the ethics and legality surrounding AI has been a constant the last year ā€” and itā€™s culminating in some important trials thatā€™s coming up.

    I wonā€™t go into the entire thing here ā€” I just want to focus on a specific argument that I often hear when it comes to the way these large models are trained. It oftes goes something like: Ā«But how is this different from how humans have always been learning and iterating on previous knowledge?Ā» or Ā«The information was available on the open web, so it can be used for anything!Ā».

    I think these are terrible arguments.

    Humans are allowed into shopping malls.

    However, thatā€™s simply not an argument for that cars should be allowed there as well ā€” whether they’re driven by a human or autonomous.

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    A Couple of Chill, Mostly New, Indie Games

    I love small, chill indie games.

    • Theyā€™re cheap, and the money goes to small developers who needs the support.
    • Many have short gameplay loops, that make them easy to fit into my schedule.
    • And many of the ones I like have non-realtime gameplay,
    • and that, coupled with low hardware demands, makes them well suited for playing on my laptop.

    My MacBook isnā€™t a slouch - but itā€™s no gaming rig. So I love that I donā€™t have to worry about performance with these games - and those who donā€™t have native Mac ports, run perfectly fine through Parallells.

    Realtime, but still chilltime

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    šŸŒ± An Idea For Better Music Streaming

    I sadly donā€™t have the abilities to live out this idea ā€” at least not alone. So everyone who finds this, is welcome to steal it or riff with me!

    Iā€™m currently trying to transfer from Spotify to Tidal. The main reason is that I want to use a service that pays artists better ā€” and itā€™s a nice bonus that the sound quality is better. However, I prefer Spotifyā€™s app and features. 1 And this inspired me to write out an idea Iā€™ve been thinking about for a while.

    Inspired by Mastodon, Appleā€™s MusicKit API, Podcasts and PeerTube

    Third-party first

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    šŸŒ± Apple Is Not the Reason Iā€™m Buying Apple Products - These People Are

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    In the court cases against Epic, this round of regulatory scrutiny from the EU, and other more, Apple has made their sense of entitlement abundantly clear. Every piece of business that happens on their platforms, is to their credit. And developers are lucky to be able to pay them almost a third of their revenue for the privilege of being on their platforms. If Apple understands that their relationship with developers is reciprocal, theyā€™re hiding it well.

    I like all my Apple hardware. Heck, I even love some of it! I also like the operating systems, the general focus on privacy, and the way the different parts of the ecosystem work together. But I think I could enjoy a Framework laptop, Asus phone and some Sony earbuds as well! The things Apple makes and does isnā€™t the main reason I keep buying Apple products. Itā€™s all the fantastic third-party developers, mostly indie, who make great software for the Apple platforms.

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    Why I Think Appleā€™s Fine is Fine

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    Today, Apple got hit with a ā‚¬1.84 billion fine ā€” for anticompetitive behaviour in the music streaming market.

    Iā€™ve seen people saying this doesnā€™t make sense, as Spotify has a larger market share than Apple Music ā€” but thatā€™s not what the complaint is about. The thing is, that Apple has used their size, ecosystem and general market position to give Apple Music a larger market share than they wouldā€™ve gotten if they had to compete fairly. Apple is about 80 times the size of Spotify. To put that into perspective, thatā€™s about the same ratio as a rhino compared to a golden retriever. 1

    The dog might have the Rhino beat on Ā«amount of furĀ», but that doesnā€™t make it Ā«more powerfulĀ».

    Here are some of the smaller things Apple are doing:

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