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Good Stuff

    Quick Recommendation #6: Arco (video game)

    Original, Tactical, Recreational

    Last year, Panic published a terrific indie game I’d like to recommend: Arco. I’ve only played the first two acts, but I like it a lot so far.

    It has great pixel art, music, writing, and story.

    It also has a genuinely innovative turn-based combat, and guilt system, which makes in-game choices interesting.

    The launch trailer.

    It’s available on PC, Mac, and Switch. I’m playing it on Mac, with a controller – and it works flawlessly. (If you want to get it for desktop, I recommend getting it through Epic, as the dev gets a larger piece of the pie.)

    Click here to see all my quick recommendations!

    App review: Tot

    Yesterday, I wrote about Iconfactory’s newest app, Tapestry. Today, I want to do a little review of another great app of theirs, Tot.

    “Your tiny text companion”

    Tot is a scratchpad app, for fleeting notes. It was inspired by Tyke, which explains the need for this well:

    I made Tyke because when I’m working I often need a little bit of scratch paper to jot something down.

    Sometimes it’s because I need to paste it someplace or other times it’s because I just want to clear the formatting and edit it.

    I used to use a new text editor window for that job. Now I don’t have to.

    I use Tot for things like writing down everyone’s take-away orders. I also use it when I need to keep some text in a small Mac window that stays on top, or small pieces of info I might want to look up from time-to-time.1

    The business model is also both clever and fair: It’s totally free on Mac, and then you pay once for iOS (€20) and Apple Watch (€2).

    My favourite part of it, is that it allows you to store 7 notes. It’s more than 1, but still limited. You swipe between them, and they are beautifully colour coded.2 This makes it so you don’t fall into the trap of wanting to name your notes, or keep them forever. You’re supposed to move on.

    These 7 notes are synced between Mac, iPhone, iPad and Apple Watch, with great apps for each.

    Purposeful limitations

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    Quick Recommendation #5: The Mad Max Video Game

    It’s not often I finish video games… One of the reasons, is that I often play games you can’t finish – like Europa Universalis and The Bazaar 🖇️. But I actually just finished, an r/patientgamers favourite: the Mad Max game, from 2015.

    And it’s actually at 80% off on GOG at the moment!

    It’s not a fantastic game – but if you like Mad Max (like me), I can recommend it. I saw someone on Reddit call it “the perfect mid-budget game”, and I agree.

    It’s an open-world game, with a world of great flavour. The car-combat is especially good and unique.

    But one piece of advice, if you decide to check it out: Exploring the open world gets quite repetitive – so it’s not worth it to approach the game with a completionist’s mindset. Just treat it as a bite-sized little treat, and do the stuff you find fun and run through the story. If you buy it for like €4, just try to get that amount of money’s worth.

    I played in through Steam, and on my Mac Mini. It says it’s not available for Mac, but installing it still works, for some reason. (Not 100% sure about the GOG version, though.)

    A bad image of a video game's credits. A rare sight for me.

    Quick Recommendation #4: Ultima Retrospective (YouTube)

    I have no prior nostalgia for the CRPG series Ultima. I’ve always known about the series, but never played any of the games. Still, I’ve loved a series by the YouTube channel Majuular: Ultima Retrospective

    The videos are long – but well-made, with a combination of story behind the development and reception, plus a complete run-down of the gameplay and story. It’s also not done, so I assume there’ll be more content down the line! (You know, if you’re done with the 14 hours made up until now.)

    Hurrah: My Favourite Markdown Editor Just Dropped on Setapp

    The magnificent Markdown editor Paper just became available on Setapp 🖇️, making it more accessible for more people to try out! I’ve written a thorough review of it previously, but here are the things you need to know:

    • It’s simply the best Markdown editing experience I know of. (And I’ve tried a lot.) Only Bear comes close.
      • And it’s excellent both on Mac, iPad, and iPhone.
    • It’s very minimalistic (just opens as a blank, white “sheet of paper”).
      • At the same time, it has a bunch of hidden advanced features and customisation options.
    • It’s a file-based editor, as opposed to being library-based.
      • One good thing about this, is that it can be used in conjunction with other Markdown apps,
      • like using it as a nicer editor for notes stored in NotePlan, Obsidian, etc.

    So, I wouldn’t primarily say it’s a “notes app”. It’s more of a “writing app” and “Markdown editor”. You could, of course, use it as a notes app – but then you have to rely on Finder/Files and x-callback-URLs for the organisation.

    I highly recommend giving it a go, and play with the settings to make it behave like you want! Perhaps my favourite feature, is the combined Typewriter Mode and Focus Mode:

    More on Using a Mac Mini as a Secondary Computer

    Remote Access, RSS, and Storage and Backups

    Last November, I started using an M4 Mac Mini as a secondary computer. I’m still pleased with it! And I wanted to provide a little update with some more things I’ve learned.

    Remote access

    Using the Mini, has been pretty simple. I’ll usually use Continuity, via my MacBook or iPad, if the TV the Mini is connected to is on. And I’ll use Screen Sharing if not.1 (I can recommend keeping something like an integrated keyboard and trackpad nearby, if you have the space – which I don’t.)

    But I’ve also figured out something else! And I get that this is very basic for many of you, but probably not for all.

    On the Mini, I’ve gone into System SettingsGeneralSharingAdvancedRemote Login, and turnet it on. Now I can paste in something like this, in my Macbook’s terminal: ssh erlend@

    The terminal instance, on the MacBook, will now be like if I was running it locally on the Mini. This allows me to reduce the number of times I have to control the Mini directly – as it’s nicer to just use the MacBook.

    I also think this is an important setting – even though it’s not as secure:

    This means you can’t have FileVault turned on – but it makes it so the Mac will log in (and start all login items) on a restart. This is important to keep services running – but if there’s another (more secure) way of doing this, I’m interested in hearing about it.


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    Sharing an Open Letter to Mark Zuckerberg

    From Pixelfed – an Open Alternative to Instagram

    Link to the post.

    Dear Mark,

    I hope this finds you well. I noticed something interesting today - it seems Instagram is blocking links to my little open-source project. You know, the one that lets people share photos without harvesting their personal data or forcing algorithmic feeds on them.

    I have to admit, I’m flattered. Who would’ve thought a small team of volunteers could build something that would catch your attention? We’re just trying to give people a choice in how they share their memories online. No VCs, no surveillance capitalism, just code and community.

    Remember when Facebook started? It was about connecting people, not maximizing engagement metrics. Our project might be tiny compared to Instagram, but we’re staying true to that original spirit of social media - giving people control over their online presence without turning them into products.

    You could’ve ignored us. Instead, by blocking our links, you’ve given us the best endorsement we could ask for. You’ve confirmed what we’ve been saying all along - that big tech is more interested in protecting their walled gardens than fostering genuine innovation.

    Every time you block a link to our platform, you remind people why we built it in the first place. Your action tells them there are alternatives worth exploring, ones that respect their privacy and agency. So thank you, Mark. You’ve turned our little project into a symbol of resistance against digital monopolies.

    Perhaps one day you’ll remember what it felt like to be the underdog, building something because you believed in its potential to make the internet better. Our doors are always open if you want to remember what that feels like.

    Best regards,

    Daniel Supernault

    P.S. Keep blocking those links. Every error message is just free advertising for the social web.

    My Adaptive Smart Light Setup

    A Guide, and a Glimpse Into the Mind of a Madman (Me)

    I’ve previously written about why I think Smart Bulbs > Smart Switches.1 And one of the reasons I think that, is that I (for some reason) really love having the colour temperature of my lights change throughout the day.

    Sadly, I’ve found the automatic systems for this really lacking. But here I wanted to show how I’ve created a system I like.

    The goals:

    • Be effortless to use (and relatively easy to adjust)
    • Both provide a good experience with simple switches, and with dimmers.
    • Working with different brands of switches and bulbs.
    • Keep everything in HomeKit.2

    I want a smart home. But, in use, I want it to be as simple as a dumb one. I want guests to be able to operate things at, at least, the same level as they would in another unfamiliar home.3 And then I want to add smart benefits on top of this, like colour temperature, automations, some hidden button features, and being able to override stuff with things like a phone.

    My most used switch is the Flic 2. And when the light is off, I want one click to turn on to a setting that’s almost always the right one. But as the “right setting” changes throughout the day, I have to do some adjustments in the background…

    While you can adjust the brightness in, I also wanted to be able to do it with a dimmer switch at some places. So I’ve bought a couple of Flic Twists 🖇️ as well.4 HomeKit/Matter, sadly, hasn’t delivered support for dimmers, though – so I had to be a bit creative to get these to work as I wanted.

    You can, of course, do something nicer than this – but the little white tape on the regular light switches is all you need for them never to be turned off.

    The principle

    I’ve created three “moods” (which correlates to brightness and colour temperature):

    • Glow (warmest)
    • Cream
    • Glass (coldest)

    And, currently, my home moves through these moods at these times:

    • From the night before 🌙: Glow
    • 1 hour after sunrise ⛅: Cream
    • 3 hours after sunrise ☀️: Glass
    • 3 hours before sunset 🌥️: Cream
    • 1 hour after sunset 🌙: Glow

    If you turn on a light during “Cream time” it will turn on to that setting, and so on. And when the mood changes (during the day), it will go through the lights that are turned on, and adapt them to the current mood.

    The how

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    Rumble Nation – a Terrific, Minimalistic, Japanese Strategy Board Game

    Comparison Between the Old, Regular Version and the New, Deluxe Version

    A couple of years ago, I got a great recommendation from the Board Game Barrage podcast: The minimalistic area majority board game, Rumble Nation. It only takes about 30 minutes to play, is easy to learn, and is cheap and compact. And all of this while still offering a lot of player interaction and interesting choices.

    A rundown of the game:

    You're competing for control over 11 areas in feudal Japan numbered from 2 to 12. These will give 2-12 points to the winner (and half points for second place). The winner is the person with the most points.

    The game has two phases: One where players will take turns, and there are both chance and choices – and one where you'll see who wins the fights. (But with no chance or choices.)

    In phase 2, the person who has the most armies in an area will win it. But here's the most interesting part: You'll determine the winner in order, from 2 to 12. And if you win area 2, you'll be able to add reinforcements, 2 armies, to every adjacent area you have at least 1 army in (and that hasn't been determined yet). So, prioritising high numbers is great, as you'll get a lot of points. But low numbers will give you a lot of extra armies in other higher value fights!

    When placing armies, in phase 1, you'll throw 3 dice. You then combine two of them to determine where you place them (if you select 3 and 6, you'll place them in the 9), and the last die determines how many you'll place (half its value, rounded down). You can also, once per game, use a special card ability.

    This means you'll place between 1 and 3 armies every round – so everyone won't be done in the same number of rounds. You can't (without using special abilities) move armies you've placed. So, in general, it's best to be the last to commit your armies – but the game has handled this in an interesting way, by having the tiebreaker in the phase 2 fights be whomever finished their phase 1 first.

    And as mentioned, phase 2 is 100% deterministic, so the game wraps up really fast and smoothly.

    I ordered the original version from Japan, and it’s been a treasured possession. But recently, I was looking at some other games from Japan, and saw that they had made a deluxe version 🖇️ of it – so I ordered it.

    I got it in the mail today, and wanted to show how it compares to the original, as I haven’t seen this done anywhere.

    The rules

    The only gameplay changes compared to the base game is that one tactic card is nerfed a bit,1 and that the deluxe version includes a Daimyo variant/mini-expansion.

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    Quick Recommendation #3: What Makes This Song Stink (YouTube)

    In general, I prefer positive content. So I prefer the vibe of CinemaWins over CinemaSins. But the series called What Makes This Song Stink, by Pat Finnerty, is an absolute treasure of YouTube content.

    I think it can work for anyone – but it’s especially funny if you’ve spent any time on “Music YouTube”. (The series is packed with Rick Beato beats.)

    I recommend starting at the beginning (of the playlist linked above), with Kryptonite by 3 Doors Down, and watch them in order. Then you’ll see the evolution of the form, and be in on all the terrific in-jokes. And already the third video, on Weezer - Beverly Hills, is a highlight.

    It’s hard to explain, but the series just has so much heart, and Pat is just delightful. I highly recommend giving this series a try! (Also, he releases like a couple of videos a year – so its easy to stay on top of.)

    Quick Recommendation #2: Better Markdown Preview in Finder

    Hitting space to preview files (Quick Look) is one of my favourite Finder features. However, it does a pretty mediocre job with Markdown files. QLMarkdown is a little utility that makes these previews richer.

    A preview showing some of the supported features.

    You can install it from this link, or by using this Homebrew command:

    brew install --cask qlmarkdown

    The app isn’t signed – so you need to do the little dance to convince macOS that you want to run the app. (This is detailed in the original link share up top.)

    You need to open the app once for the utility to work. And that’s also where you change settings.

    I get that many Markdown contexts are outside of Finder – but if you do use them there, I hope this little tool can be useful!

    Quick Recommendation #1: Cheap Strap Locks for Guitars

    Why buy expensive (or just kind of cheap strap locks, when you can go old school and just order a bunch of rubber gaskets for bottles??

    Here’s a link 🖇️ to the listing I used on AliExpress – but there are probably plenty of others that are just as fine. 👍🏻

    More pictures of, and the story behind, my 1962 P-bass can be found here, by the way!

    I know it’s silly – but for some reason I think it’s a bit more rock ‘n’ roll to use something not meant for the purpose. 😎

    The yearly shoe-care day is here!

    (One pair each, for me and my wife, is at the shop, though.)

    Brown dress shoes, brown boots, black dress shoes, brown boots, brown mocs, and black boots. None of them have laces.

    The following shoe products: Saphir Renovateur, Saphir shoe cream, Saphir Sport Loisir Outdoor, Saphir Everest and Otter Wax Boot wax.

    ✉️ A Recommendation for the Great Note-Taking and Task Management App, NotePlan

    In the latest episode of AppStories, Brendon Bigley filled in for Federico Viticci. Among other things, they discussed the apps he used, and he said he had research (and some writing) in Obsidian, while using the neat little post-it app Tot for “task management”. By task management, he meant that he kept his daily tasks in a note, and just deleted it at the end of the day.

    This workflow made me want to recommend an app I like: NotePlan. And this post is a letter to him, about why I recommend that he takes a look.

    Hi, Brendan! I’ve been listening to NPC on and off – but as I’m slightly more interested in the stuff AppStories focuses on, I’m glad you got the chance to bring your voice there as well. I enjoyed the episode!

    When listening to your workflows and tastes in apps, I felt the need to throw a recommendation your way (which might also fit someone else who stumbles upon this letter): NotePlan. I think this app would be a nice upgrade over the way you use Tot, while, at the same time, also having the potential of replacing Obsidian. The writing experience is nicer than Obsidian’s – so it might even creep up on iA Writer! However, the writing experience isn’t absolutely top-tier, so I have to admit that I write my blog posts in a different app – while the files are in the NotePlan folder. (My favourite writing Markdown experience is Paper, which I wrote a review of here.)

    Furthermore, it’s a bit expensive on its own, so if you don’t already already subscribe to Setapp 🖇️ (where the app is included), it might not be worth it, depending on which apps (if any) it manages to replace.

    These are the ingredients the app is made up of:

    At its core, it’s an Obsidian-like, as in just-a-folder-of-Markdown-files.

    It does have plugin support, but it’s still far from as customisable as Obsidian.

    However, if you’re mostly on Apple devices, it’s much more native-feeling than most Electron apps.1

    As I heard you use Windows at work, it could be valuable that NotePlan has a web app as well – even though it’s not as good as the native experience.

    It offers powerful note-taking features, like

    • templates (with Javascript support!),
    • backlinks,
    • embedded images,
    • code syntax highlighting,
    • foldable headers and list items,
    • synced lines,
    • (light) front-matter support,
    • voice notes,
    • sketching and hand-writing transcripts,
    • sharing live links to notes with others, and more.

    I also like that it has a command-bar interface (with a fast search), and powerful custom themes.

    I've made a theme pair (light and dark mode) for NotePlan – and most of the screenshots in this post use the light mode version of it. Adding the files to the Themes folder and restarting the app, will make them appear as options.

    But the Secret Sauce is the way it handles tasks and calendar notes! But before I go into that, I wanted to touch on …

    How you can use it in conjecture with other apps, like Obsidian:

    As mentioned, the NotePlan library is just a folder, that looks like this:

    You, sadly, can't point NotePlan in the direction of a different folder – but you can point other apps to NotePlan's folder.

    The Notes folder holds your regular notes, while the Calendar folder holds the calendar notes. If you wanted to dip your toes into the app, while using Obsidian in parallell, you could just add your Obsidian vault to the Notes folder. Then you just point Obsidian to either just folder, or the whole NotePlan folder (so you’ll get access to the Calendar folder as well). I think note links are cross-compatible between Obsidian and NotePlan.

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    "Julie", a New Single From My Band

    I play bass in a band – and today we released a new single.

    It’s called Julie, and I would love it if you gave it a whirl! 🫶🏻 It includes a modulation, an outrageous guitar solo, a fade-out, and good vibes.

    My Setup for the M4 Mini as a Secondary Mac

    NAS, Media Server, and Light Gaming

    I spent the weekend setting up my little new Mac – and I have to say: it went pretty smoothly! Here’s what I did, and how you can do it yourself if you like.

    The hardware

    As Apple’s upgrade prices are certified insane, I went for the absolute base model. I did briefly consider getting 10 gig Ethernet – but I had to change too much about my setup to get any benefits from it. And I don’t really need that fast a connection for my use case.

    16 GB of ram is enough for me, but the built-in 256 GB of storage is obviously too little. But as it’s a stationary machine, getting external storage works great.

    There are some reports that these Macs' storage is actually upgradeable! But that's above my pay-grade.

    Some drives will use regular USB speeds (for instance USB 3.2 Gen 2). These are cheaper – but if you go for USB 4 or Thunderbolt 3+ you will get about three times the speed. If you, like me, want to run programs (like games) straight from the disk, you’ll probably want the latter.

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    Early Mac Mini Takes From Someone Who’ll Probably Get One

    For a while now, I’ve thought that I’ll most likely get a Mac mini when it gets refreshed. My intended use case is pretty specific — and not as my main computer:

    • Connecting some external storage, and using it for
      • backups,
      • and as a media server. (Jellyfin, perhaps?)
    • Maybe use it for some smart home stuff.
    • And I’ll also connect it to my TV, via HDMI, for some light big-screen gaming. (Like UFO 50! But also things that I want to play with a controller that’ll run at least as well as on my M1 Pro 16 GB laptop.).

    Thoughts regarding my use case

    I got to say, the update is pretty perfect for me. The new form-factor is great for my TV furniture, and I can probably get by with the absolute cheapest one. The only upgrades I’m considering, are 24 GB RAM and 10 Gigabit Ethernet. Would love input on this!

    General thoughts

    In general, I think this is a great update at a good price. And at last we’re finally out of the 8 GB hole! 256 GB is pretty rough, though… But it’s OK for me! So, in principle, if Apple had non-criminal upgrade pricing, I wouldn’t mind it starting that low. But they don’t.

    They made the right choices regarding the ports

    The new Mini has the following ports on the back:

    • 3x Thunderbolt 4/5
    • HDMI
    • Ethernet
    • Power

    And the following in the front:

    • 2x USB-C
    • Mini-jack

    There are two questions we need to look at:

    1. How many ports should the enclosure size account for?
    2. And then, which ports should those be, and where?

    Partially I think, in a world where the Mac Studio exists, they went for a sensible size and port number (9 — one more than the M2 Mini, and one less than the M2 Pro). It’s OK to disagree with that — but I think we have to keep that separate from the port types and placement.

    I’ve seen some disappointment voiced about the jack being on the front. And while I have zero issues with someone preferring that for their specific setup, I still think it’s wrong to say that Apple made the wrong choice for the majority of people. For those with speakers connected permanently, there are _so _many options for connection. And which port on the back should’ve been moved to the front instead, then?

    I also think it would’ve been a travesty if they sacrificed USB-C ports for USB-A ones. Just get over it

    The power button placement is fine

    I mean, it uses very little power while in sleeping, so how often do you need to turn it off? And it’ll probably be OK to reach anyway. (Remember that the back of the Mac will be closer to you than with the last one, as the footprint is smaller.)

    I’ll have to think about it some more, but I think this will be my next purchase. And I think this will be a great Mac for many people for many years.

    I Got the Opportunity to Build My First Wet/Dry/Wet Guitar Pedalboard

    I was lucky enough to be allowed to make this cool rig this week! It’s made to work well with one amp, but great with two. And if you’re a certified mad lad, you can even run it with three amps!

    Allow me to explain:

    When a signal has effects on it, it’s called “wet” – and when it doesn’t, it’s called “dry”. However, sometimes (like here), only some effects, like chorus, delay and reverb, are categorised as making the signal wet. And whether effects like overdrive and compression are on, the signal is categories as dry.

    The board has four jacks in its side panel:

    • Guitar in
    • Dry signal out
    • Wet out L
    • Wet out R

    Rigs that have those three outputs are called wet/dry/wet rigs.

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    Homebrew – For Noobs (Like Me)

    I do not know what I’m doing when it comes to the terminal on my Mac. But one use-case, I really like, is Homebrew. So I wanted to explain what it is, and how to use it, to other newbies!

    I want to make this part of a series called something like "For Noobs (Like Me)". And when I do that, I'm always very interested in feedback: both from people who know much more about the subject matter than I do (as I don't want to misinform), and from beginners (about whether or not the explanation is understandable). Contact me here, or comment below!

    How to install it

    I get that I haven’t told you why yet, but to install it, you just copy this into your terminal: $1

    /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"

    Then you just follow the quick guide. (I think you only have to copy and paste one set of commands.) For Mac, you can also go here to download the latest .pkg file.

    It’s a “package manager”

    And this just means that you use it to install, uninstall, and update other apps. These can both be command-line software (called formulae in Homebrew parlance) or what most would recognise as regular apps (called casks).

    And here’s how you use it:

    Installing something is as easy as typing brew install firefox. That’s it! No going to a website, no downloading of installers, no dragging and dropping, no nothin'! And you uninstall by typing brew uninstall google-chrome. Even though you’d be surprised by how many apps support installation through Homebrew, not every app does. Furthermore, every “app name” has to be only one word – so brew search chrome will help you find out if the app you want is there, and how you should address it.

    Remember that Casks are the "regular" apps.

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    It's Not Too Late to Listen to the October Trilogy

    Terrific Albums for the Autumn

    For any Norwegians reading this, this recommendation will be categorised as very cliché. But clichés are just that for a reason – and if you haven’t listened to these albums, you’re in for a treat.

    The albums I’m referring to, are the following, by the Norwegian artist Thomas Dybdahl:

    They were all released in October, and are the perfect companions to wool jumpers, a fireplace, and warm soup. But I get that listening to three albums is a big ask. So as a taste, you can listen to his shortest song, which is also one of my favourites: Dice

    This is from his fourth album, not on the list – but the sound is similar! Very early 2000's, but charming, video.
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